
Kidney disease usually gets worse slowly, and symptoms may not appear until your kidneys are badly damaged. In the late stages of kidney disease, as you are nearing kidney failure, you may notice symptoms that are caused by waste and extra fluid building up in your body.

Healthcare >> Treatment - General diseases >> Kidney Stone
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Kidney StoneYour kidneys are located in the back of your abdomen, just under your ribcage, on each side of your spine. Pain in your sides or middle to upper back could be coming from your kidneys. However, having pain in your back or sides does not necessarily mean there is something wrong with your kidneys. It is possible to have pain on only one side if only one kidney has a problem, or both sides if both kidneys are affected.If the pain you feel is coming from your kidneys, it could be a sign of a kidney problem. Some problems that can cause kidney pain include: Urinary tract infection (UTI) Kidney infection Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) Blood clots in your kidney(s) Bleeding in your kidney(s) If you are having pain in your middle to upper back or sides, contact your health care provider.Here are eight signs and symptoms that you may have kidney stones. Pain in the back, belly, or side. ... Pain or burning during urination. ... Urgent need to go. ... Blood in the urine. ... Cloudy or smelly urine. ... Going a small amount at a time. ... Nausea and vomiting. ... Fever and chills.Doses Suggested - 1. (Disodium Hydrogen Citrate Liquid) - 10 ml x 1-1-1 with 100 ml water, 2. Neeri Tablets 1-0-1, 3. Cataspa Tablets 1-1-1 for 05 days. General Medicine: Acetic acid helps to dissolve kidney stones. In addition to flushing out the kidneys, apple cider vinegar can help ease pain caused by the stones. There are numerous other health benefits of apple cider vinegar. To reap these benefits, add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 6 to 8 ounces of purified water. if no improve of pain , visit doctor urgently., if no improve of pain , visit doctor urgently.
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