
Acne is a disorder that affects the skin's oil glands and hair follicles. The small holes in your skin (pores) connect to oil glands under the skin. These glands make an oily substance called sebum. The pores connect to the glands by a canal called a follicle.

Healthcare >> Treatment - General diseases >> Skin-Acne
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SkinAcneAcne occurs when the small pores on the surface of the skin become blocked with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Each individual pore on the skin opens up to a follicle beneath the epidermis. Within these follicles lie a singular hair and a sebaceous gland. The sebaceous gland produces sebum, an oil designed to keep your skin lubricated and soft. However, when hormonal changes and other factors cause the gland to produce an excess of sebum, the oil will be pumped through the follicle, and may pick up dead skin cells and P. acnes bacteria on its way out. Should these substances clump together, a plug will form. As this plug starts to press up against the surface of the skin, the body responds with an accumulation of red and white blood cells to combat any infection, and this results in inflammation and redness. Acne can occur on the face, back, neck, chest, arms, and buttocks, and any other skin area with a saturation of sebaceous pores.Acne signs and symptoms vary depending on the severity of your condition: Whiteheads (closed plugged pores) Blackheads (open plugged pores) Small red, tender bumps (papules) Pimples (pustules), which are papules with pus at their tips. Large, solid, painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin (nodules)02 times while face washing
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